Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An oil bath paid for by BP with a plugless hole in the Gulf

Well, we are in 21st century. We can operate a rover in Mars, but we cannot plug an oil spewing pipe under water! In 1962 Kennedy said we will go to moon in 10 years, we went to moon in 1969. Our Apollo 13 was about to die in the space. But we avoided a disaster using our best brains. We can precisely hit targets across the globe by navigating a predator from our soil. Now a broken pipe is spewing millions of gallons of oil 5000 feet under the ocean. Those who put that pipe down do not know how to plug it. Where are our brains? Did we stop teaching science and technology in our schools? Do you know how to plug this stuff? If you know how it can be plugged, post it here.

The Story: A 21 inch pipe, 5000 feet below the sea level, is spewing thousands of gallons of oil beginning April 20. It so happened that BP knew how to siphon the oil, never knew how to fix a pipe if it were to break beneath the ocean floor. BP engineers are trying hard to plug the hole. First they lowered a 60-foot dome to contain and collect the leaking oil in a controlled manner. That failed. Next they lowered a 5-foot "top hat" dome in the hope that it would help them to draw up the leaking oil to the surface, but failed. As a third attempt they inserted a 6-inch pipe into the 21-inch leaking pipe and started collecting 2000 barrels a day. BP estimated around 5000 barrels being gushed out into the ocean every day, while a Purdue scientist put this figure at whopping 70,000 barrels. The news is that huge oil plumes that extend miles have been formed in the Gulf.

Where is our science and technology leadership? What surprised me was not the leak, why no one had a clue how to plug it. When I take my family out to the park in the summer I will have an extra bottle of water in the car, just in case! When we call four people home for dinner we cook for two more, just in case! If we dont have food or time to cook we simply do not call them home! When you write a grant application to granting agencies, you need to write a separate section called "Potential Problems and Alternate Strategies", because those who give money need to know that in case what you propose do not work, you have a plan B. When you draw out oil from 5000 feet below the water, lots of things can go wrong, so you expect to have redundant and fail-safe plans B, C and D which are mutually independent. If I do not carry enough water in my outing, only my family and I suffer. If you do not get the grant funded only your personnel and you will suffer. But if some one spills millions of gallons of oil in to the ocean, the society will suffer. Is it a social crime? I do not know. (There might be some one out there saying you can dump lot more in ocean, ocean can take it!) . The leak needs to be plugged ASAP, we do not want the Mayan's 2012 consume us sooner.

If you know of a method to plug this pipe, post it here.
(Photos: Courtesy NASA; Video from Youtube)


  1. Seems to me you could drop huge boulders or rocks in that hole. Seems also you could blast and collapse or cave in the hole.

  2. I'm a plummer. I could easily plug that hole. I've plugged water gushing from broken 2" pipes before. Here is how: 1) Make a clean cut on the broken end of the pipe so that you can fit a compression tee over that part of the pipe. If nobody makes a compression tee that size (for BP Pipe), contract with a manufacturer to make one ASAP! 2) Place a 90 degree elbow on the compression tee, with another piece of pipe (smaller size) on the other end of the 90 degree angle. 3) Slip the compression tee over the broken pipe. Now it will be shooting the oil straight up towards the surface. 4) Lower pieced of pipe and connect it via a compression tee to the pipe on the end of the 90 degree elbow. 5) Once the pipe has reached the surface, the oil can be collected in tankers until it can be capped with special pipe capping equipment (for above ground capping). Tighten the compression tees below, then cap the pipe that will now be above the surface and can easily collect the oil in tankers until it's capped.
    Why wasn't this done earlier? They wanted to pollute our country.
